Anna's Blog

Love or Leave it

Monday, August 07, 2006

Barmy in Berlin

August 7th

Had another lovely 10hr bus trip.......Had muffins and coffee for breakfast...Was awesome made the trip go quick!!

Arrived in Berlin at about 6pm, we are in the best hostel ever!!! Had to have a shower straight away to wash away the Hans Brinker off me!!

Most of us stuffed so we walked down the street then went to bed I think...

Had some of the cool chickies from Amsterdam in my room last night so we stayed up, talked about our adventures in Amsterdam, we will all hopefully be in Prague on the weekend??

August 8th

Had a bike tour of Berlin today! Our guide was awesome he knew everything there was to know about Berlin, I did ask him at the end if he studied German history, which he did.

Saw all the sights that I can not remember the names of but did see the hotel that MJ nearly dropped blanket out the window!

They love putting up monuments here too.

Saw Hilters bunker that was interesting, only because it is now a car park and they do not advertise it!

Bike tour went for hours...Was funny because some of the others went on a walking tour and that went for 6 hours and when they came back it was like our guide cried!!! Wow I think I should have went on the walking tour now.. Fell asleep for a couple of hours... Pub crawl tonight...Try to make self look presentable..Had a really really good time!! The first pub was full of communism memorabilia but we played hang man moved on to a few other bars, kept playing awesome music, heard this song that I used to love in yr 10 brought back memories!!
Actually forgotten a few places even with the aid of people telling me stories and photographs...However did have a good time...Got back at about 5am so a great effort on my behalf.

Talked to a french person, was trying to teach me french got absolotuely nowhere but did give me an example of the different accents french people have. Interesting!
.......Hate to think how I would wake up in the morning hang on it already is..

August 9th

Woke up feeling surprisingly chipper.... Maddie myself and another girl that I have completely forgotten the name of walked to the 'Mormorial for murdered Jews' They have rooms that display the names of every person who died as result of the holocaust (known to date) read out and according to the number of people it takes like 6 years to get through all the names! Also there are letter and notes written from prisoners, it's just so hard to imagine what these people went through and to think that a human people could do these things to one another...

Decided to be heathly for once and got some salad with Maddie (she is very heathly better impress her and not get a falafel...) hahha anyways we then decided to hire bikes for the rest of the day where we rode out to east Berlin and had a look at the 'better' part of the Berlin wall. We invited some other people along the way once again forgotten there names. It was great, the artwork is fantastic! And to think the wall only came down because of a PR error!!

At this time we were all feeling rather worn out from the bike ride (possibly because of pub crawl too). Luckily there was this beach bar next to the wall, it's weird here Germans seem to like adding sand to as many bars as possible..sat on deck chairs for a couple of hours and waved to people on boats...

I have been hanging out with this girl for a couple of days and she was showing me some pics of her and her friends back home and then she shows me this one and she goes 'I was such a n**ger that night, acting all black'... I was like errrr ok....Just didn't know what to say back..

Got back to hostel..still feeling good, not sure why usually I am sleep... but due to my chipperness I go and walk to check point Charlie with (forgotten name again...I know terrible) walked around the place for about 3 hours I am quiet proud of myself!!

Get back to hostel, most of the people I have been traveling around with are leaving on the bus to Prague tomorrow so we decide to go out for dinner. In true style I order dessert!! We moved on to a cocktail bar where we got 1/2 price cocktails (Berlin soo cheap) and started to play drinking games like 'I went shopping' (got pretty R rated in the end) and 'bottles' etc... Later the others wanted to go to a R'n'B club couldn't bare to listen to shit music and I looked like trash, so a few of us went back to the hostel and slept!!

August 10th

After a very long sleep in for me (11am!!) I took a train to Oranienburg where I visited the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Have already been to the one in Munich, but I am quiet interested the Holocaust so thought I would go. Was quiet good but once again just this overwhelming feeling of terror and dread. Also in some of the old barracks there would be this horrible smell, I can only describe as death...not that I would know...

Anyway got back and fell asleep think the last couple of days have really caught up with me and I can barely keep my eyes open as I type this...

Back back to hostel and there were a few busabout people, again they were some people leaving the next day so of course a few wodka and cokes later....I mean I only had a couple of drinks but the bar tender like puts half alcohol and half mixer!!

Back was caining so got massage nowhere as good as Mez's (I expect a maasage when I get to Edinburgh next week!)....

Went to bed couldn't sleep, snorer in room and kept getting txt throughout the night..

August 11th

Woke up feeling horrible not sure why, combination of tiredness and hang over I looking forward to sleeping in a normal bed and having a descent shower!

Walked to the 'Topograpghy of Terror' on route bought world cup t-shirt and berlin pin for Kim.. then walked up through park to Bahnhof museum, was ok..there was some Andy Warhol so all good!

Found this great little noodle starting to enjoy tofu now, whereas previously hated it.

It had somehow got to 3.30pm so I went and got a pair of Birkinstocks.

In true German style when I was walking along the main straße a guy drives past in a powder blue jeep with his music playing. What does he have on? The lastest 'hit' at the moment no, he has 'Step by Step' New kids on the block on 11!! hahaha everyone just turned and sang along!

Then took a 45 minute traim ride to Olympic Stadium! Forgot to bring mulla with me, and found out it cost €3 to get in the place but I only had enough for the return trip home so I went fishing through my wallet and I tend to hide money in my wallet at times and I pull out not €10 but €15!High fives for me!

Get back to Hostel at about 7.30pm do not know where day has gone! Plot with Mick how we need to get on bus tomorrow, considering it is fully booked out! Somehow gets to 10pm and I need to pack and have a shower....

Only just heard about the terrorist incident!! Great just as I am going back to London!! I heard that I am not allowed to take on any hand luggage!! I haven't any room in my backpack as it is and was hoping on my hand luggage getting me back to London!!

August 12th 2006

Had a horrible sleep again (big black bags under eyes) room people came in at 4am and of course they were the snorers so they started to snore and I have been awake since!! So waiting for bloody bus people to come down but they seem to be out of sight at the moment!!

5 minutes later some people have cancelled so I am on da bus! Cool going to Prague (again)!! Hopefully I can sleep on the bus and best thing is that I got refunded my extra two nights I have already paid in Berlin! Yippy didn't spend that much here!!

So get into Pargue in a really nice place, much better than place I stayed at last time!

Got recommended Chinese place so go there was good I had fried noodles with 'veggies' reminded me of Cesky Chinese where there wasn't really any veggies! But all good!

Head back to hostel! There is a record for x number of people doing an A Bomb (shot of Absinth in a redbull, not that bad actually) we needed 56 but we only got 48, good effort considering Alesha and Kim got people off the street to join in!!

Later we walked to club Mecca (ummm must be good!) playing house and techno, just about hate that as much as R'n'B but instead watch everyone dancing quiet funny!! U can tell who is from Melbourne and Sydney hahaha!!!

But place is like 90% male unfortunately not good looking!!