Anna's Blog

Love or Leave it

Friday, July 21, 2006


Anyways I have spent like 2 hours putting these up... I am off to the Eiffle tower to go on a night tour and tomorrow I am going to pay my respect to Jim Morrison!

Some nice scenery of Graz...arnie country...

I am 16 going on 17.....

Hey it's the Von Trapp family home! Did you know that there is actually a Von Trapp family and it's like a true story!!! I never knew that, but after going on the sound of music tour I did!!

Errr I may have had a couple too many double wonkas again.....and some people got emails.. I also woke up covered in pen and my wallet already stained from the pen exploded in Munich was also covered in quotes...

Us Aussies went to an Irish pub in Salzburg listening to American music haha!
See that guy he was born in Colac!!! He went to Colac High too!! I think his name was Clint Walters or something he said he knew Jemma, weird!!

Another view of the castl, this was actually a really pretty place but my photo taking skills aren't that great...

I walked alot of stairs for this pic, not that good but Salzburg is really pretty!