Anna's Blog

Love or Leave it

Friday, July 28, 2006

More pictures of a few weeks ago!

Ok so these are taken when I got to Munich for the second time!!!

Our last night in Munich... everyone here was on busabout!!

I am starting to resemble a roasted chicken, burnt in patches and greasy all over..

Ok so still on pub's funny because when looking at Rach's pics the next mornning she has one of me not looking, thanks to the people who took this..not..

People on da pubcrawel

early in the day...these pics are from the bike tour i did of the castle

Bike tour

Nice view from the bedroom

again still the castle

on a bridge

the castle..

I took this on bike

Swan lake where I finally got some swinning in

At the hof house, everyone from Oz here, the couple I met just that night we both know the same guy...small world.

Loud and proud!!