Anna's Blog

Love or Leave it

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Three weeks till Xmas...

Whilst filling in my day at work..I found some quiz's to do and I took an IQ test...ummm I did very poorly...I know I am not intelligent or anything but man has my number decreased!!! Was also thinking/worrying about when I do get a new job (have about a month left in this job woo hoo) that I have forgotten how to work and use my brain...umm can't stand having 9-5.30 job....ahhhh need to find new and exciting job..but what...umm ultimately I would like to work for myself....would love to own a bar or nights, sleep in and do the books in the afternoon..yeah..
Hump Wednesday.....I have a sleep in today because I have another flippin blood test (surely if it was something bad they would say something...right) had da radio on and the public transport employees are going on strike so everyone is struggling getting to work etc..I laugh in bed thinking that everything will be fixed after my appointment...but no stupid tube station is shut and I have to get on a (shudder) bus...took agggeess to get to work (usually 20 mins..that's quick in London)...You don't realise how good the tube is until it stops working..
But have been looking for someone to fill my housemates (the ones I don't like, I like 80% of my housemates) are like...we don't want well.. foreigners in...(They would vote Pauline Hanson if she was running...) errr what do you think we are in England!! Ummm well I still have another couple of people coming to have a look tonight.... But had 4 people come through last night and heard have another 5 people coming in hopefully some gold will shine through...I did have this sweet French student ring me up from France (i hate to think how much the call cost) she's a student having trouble finding accommodation (she's in London for 6 weeks but not till Jan, mind u I did say on my ad that I want to move out this weekend..) but she sounded so lost so I told her I think it's best if she stays at a hostel or find a temp room, she was so grateful! See I can be nice and useful to people!
Ummm going to 'School Disco' in Hammersmith, ummm I am sure it's going to have fugers there and the music will be shite but hey when in'd think I'd learnt my lesson from Carwash... (Hindsight: It was really fun and I had a great night, myself Tina and Jane went along with some others unfortunately I had packed my camera away and we assumed the others were bringing there camera..but they were like we forgot ours too hoping that you bough yours..ummm but yeah was a really fun night..played good music, I was really surprised too..funny was the last song was a snow patrol song...I love it!!! Everyone one's what what's this crap song..... Oh yeah and weirder is that I saw Patty and Mick from Busabout at School Disco, I keep bumping into them…WEIRD!!!
Saw James Bond movie, in word: Shit! Only good thing is looking at pretty Eva Green!
I spend too much time on myspace...need some web friends to keep me busy during work.. speaking of myspace I found my good old mate Lauren LoRicco, and she passed on Rebecca Wilson’s page to me (we all used to go to Colac West Primary School together) wow can’t believe she’s married! Hahah still think I am only going to be the only 24 year old in my year level that isn’t married! Haha oh yeah and Tahnee Moore had a baby!! ahhh
Is it wrong to judge people on their taste in music and the shoes they wear? No offense but I can’t take people that listen to shit music serious….
Have you seen my room on youtube? It's tiny and covered in photos...and crap just thought that I am going to have to take them down on the weekend.....but my new room is going to be awesome..I am going to have a double bed yippy!! and the after having a shower I will feel clean and not dirter after it..can't wait!!!! (Hensight: Have moved living with Tina till I move to Edinburgh woo hoo!!!

No more concerts!! Oh yeah I'll put some mimore pics up soon!