Am sick again..just a walking disease bomb
Yes well the weather is getting alot cooler and I really wish I brought my jacket over from home..
Am currently looking for a new job because I am about to go crazy from trying to think up ways to keep myself going throughout the day.
Anways what's been going on ..Had You am I concert was brilliant got up the front because I am small and everyone feels sorry for me hahaha works in my favour so happy. Highlight was the crowd singing Heavy Heart! Um also had Xavier Rudd concert, once again was really good I flipping ran into my RA from Uni was slightly weird. And flipping ran into Patty from Busabout on the corner of Acton tube station was a little weird because last time I saw him was in Prague and that was AGES ago.
Totally like Kasabien now ( ) , awesome album highly recommend everyone purchasing it at the moment, oh yeah but best album ever to date is Muse's new one, I love there new single some weird Rock Opera Space Cowboy Oddity ( ) . Also kinda like My Chemical Romance too, my bad..
Well I am looking forward to Mez coming down on Thursday because we are going to Little Britain Live, then fly out to Paris for the weekend! Not sure what we are getting up too in Paris I have been there already but absolutely love the place…oh yeah need to find some kickass CFM boots too!
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