Anna's Blog

Love or Leave it

Monday, November 27, 2006

Do you like Pina Coladas!

Another entry it must be Monday! It's high noon and I haven't done ANYTHING at work yet...

Woo hoo TOOL's my way to celebrate Jade's Birthday!

Haven't been up to much. I saw Muse last Tuesday was amazing I was sooo impressed with there show! And my fav song was played at the end so it was great! Only slightly annoyed they didn't play Muscle Museum but hey I am happy! So had a good night until the tube ride home...well I stupidly took the wrong tube line home and I ended up in Moor Park (in Zone 6) which is somewhere in woop woop. Took me ages to get home..only added an extra hour to my trip!! ahhhh very tired at next day at work!!

How quick is the post in the UK I sent Jade a pressie for her bday on Monday and it arrived on the Friday!!

Didn't do much on the weekend, finally finished my book (was Bryce Courtnay, so took AGES and left me feeling depressed...really need to stop reading his books always leaves me sad..) But need to save money...I hate being poor so Tina cooked me dinner and we had some weird coconut dish... We had heaps of coconut milk left over so we decided to go to the offie and get some malibu and pineapple juice..and then it was pina coladas for all!! For once we didn't get caught in the rain on the way home!!

I really want to go ice skating. There's a rink close by but it's like 10 pounds (a rip off) so I am not too sure about that yet...

Also I'm getting ride of my room in Willcott Road...Moving in with Tina for a bit before I head off to Edinburgh..woo hoo and it will save me some mulla, not to mention that Tina's place is sooo much nicer than mine..hahah

Umm I really need to do some Xmas shopping and get the pressies off too!!

Well not alot else to mention!