Anna's Blog

Love or Leave it

Monday, January 29, 2007

Randoms - Ozday, Snow & Reddie Session

Well thought some lovely pics would brighten up my blog page... Have had some interesting last couple of weeks...mainly being Australia day! I love that i had heaps of text and even a phone call from Rachy to tell me my predicted number 1 for the hottest 100 was correct!! Mind you why didn't Kasabian get in! Weird! Anyways there are a heap of songs that I have never heard of and am looking forward to listening to them when I get home for my quick little visit! But yes Australia day.... I went to the Slug at Fulham Broadway...was packed and full of drunk Australians..and it dawned on my why I dislike Australians so such..we are actually annoying drunk idiots! However....after waiting 20 minutes to get a drink and then line up for 45 to check coats in...the line to get in outside had about 100 people in it and Lauren and Mark who where meeting us there could not get I agreed that I had to get out of that place before I got crushed to I head downstairs and the first step on, I slip..and I am sure it was bloody funny but it flippin hurt...So the sad part was that it was early in the night and I only had one drink...But turned out to be an ok night we went out in Hammersmith to the Puzzle...I am covered in bruises at the moment the best one is on my butt which is sad because I like showing people them..hahah nah so all good after such a shocking night..

One word: Sharehouse

You can drink on the tube no worries!

Taking Lauren and Mark out for their first night at the Redback Austrasian pub!

sadly not that band...

Tower Bridge you fool! Can someone tell Fergie that..Silly Americans

Lyndy & Benny, the drunker Ben got the more buttons that came undone

Alex's surprise birthday dinner!

It's snowed yippy! last time I saw Snow was in England 2000!

Our lovely back/court yard..Let it snow!

Within every share house is a set of Bongo's that no one knows where they came from

I think this doesn't really look like me but I think it's funny so I thought that I would share it!

At the Puzzle Later on.....Classic's came on such as..Am I ever gunna see your face again (No way get f**ked f**k off)

Lauren's scary staircase..careful walking down there. I am forever scared of stairs..

Friday, January 26, 2007

Happy Australia Day!

It feels weird to be working on Australia day! But I am! ha I am leaving early because all the Aussie pubs here (there are heaps) will be packed early on!! so I am looking forward to the £1 shots and the £6 jugs of Snakies at the Slug and Lettuce in Fulham! Rock on Australia!! Go Augie March I am sooo glad they made number 1!!! Thanks to everyone that txt it too me hahah you know me soo well!!!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

let it snow, lt it snow!

Hey Hey! Well January has been flying fast! Gosh can't believe that I have been here since May!

Anyways have still be staying with Tina and the gang at Bollo Bridge Road, Acton! And have been working still at Resources UK (not that hard as we all know!) But my contract runs up soon and I'll be moving on! I think that I am going to find a more challenging job etc..and I think that I might try for my highly skilled (in what?) visa when my 12 months is up.... But also I am going to be staying in London now! I know that I have been bitching about it but these last couple of months have been killer!

Been having crazy nights with Lauren and Mark they have been a bad influence this last month! Re - Snakies / Jager shot Rounds at the She Bu Walkie! We did have the funniest night ever, last week! Funny thing was it was one nights where we both were tired from work and Lauren was ill and thought it would be one drink and home on the last bus...noon the next day...oops! I'll tells yous about it when I get home!

haha but yeah I heard all this malarky about Big Day Out banning the aussie flag! Flip! But yeah I am sad I will be missing the Triple J hottest 100, my old housemates are have an all nighter tonight but I don't think I can stay up 11-4am Thursday night and then go to work and then go out for Oz day in the arvo (am have ing a half day at work woo hoo!!) But yeah it's going to be packed in the Oz themed pubs tomorrow! It think that we are going to the Slug in Fulham great little place, TIna spewed on the floor there once..haha all good!

Oh and it snowed yesterday was sooo cold and looked awesome i'll put some pics up next week!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

NYE in Scotland

Ok so I have been really lazy with my updates..gosh I can't believe it's mid Jan! Where has the time gone (Mind you I had the BEST weekend of my life..well to this yr anyways just been but i'll write about that later..) So

Lauren and Mark arrive at Heathrow on the 29th, I make sure that I am there to welcome them to London… I love picking people up from the airport heheh so I take them back to my place (only a 20 min tube ride) and get them Oyster cards, showered and fed and feeling slightly more human...

On the 30th Tina and I fly up to Edinburgh to stay with Mez for the Hogmanay. Was good because we were staying with Mez. Jane and Jess were going to meet us there too, so had a big group of people there which was good.

We make our way to the Walkie (haha will we ever learn) in time for the Australian (EST) NYE which was 1pm! After that we celebrated, QLD, WA and South Africa’s NYE in the arvo..

That's all my Uni girls! Jess, Tina (already trashed at 1.30pm, Jane and Mez)

Then we get the bad news at 10pm that the Hogmanay has been CANCELLED due to shittey weather!! Ahhhhh am shattered!!

however at about 11.45pm we decide to go outside to the big clock tower for a countdown and the weather has dramatically changed and is nice again..ahhhhh!! So was still on the street..there were some fireworks so I was happy (slightly..)

Walking down Princes 4.30pm! Weather starting to get crap

so we make our way back to the Walkie !! Meet up with the others.. Tina looks like crap, Jess had just had 'Chinese' and Jane nowhere to be seen….hahah so we spend the rest of night/morning there…we managed to run into bloody Tim, my RA from Uni res(again)…..also saw people from work(that was weird) and my housemates friend..weird! hahah so was a good one in the end!!

Am looking a little shiney in the pub with Mez

Jan 1st in Edinburgh

It was such a nice day after the crappy weather last night but still freezing

Leading up to Xmas

Well have been a little laze at the moment.. But what’s new..
My good work friend Suzanne found out that she has been ‘asked to leave’ or ‘fired’ as I like to call it from her job (we are on different teams, clearly or else I’d be asked to leave ages ago) well all she said to a fellow team member was ‘What do you want me do? Pull them out of my ass?’ Classic I thought! However we decided to go out and celebrate her freedom in Fulham with 2 for 1’s! Interesting shopping trip in Sainsbury…thankfully didn’t buy the huge washing machine size chocolates that looked so so good at the time…tube ride home was also interesting..

Last day of work I was actually busy for once at work..I bought my boss a bottle of Champers..We opened it at 10am it was gone by 10.10am..we finished early at 3pm and were just going to stop at the local for one drink.. My boss buys me one..which leads to two and in the end a few more rounds…but had a good time with my work colleges, bagging the ones we dislike etc….had another interesting tube ride

Do all the last minute shopping shit that we don’t need or forgotten yesterday.. Tina and I buy each other 5 pounds worth of crap from the 99p store to open at Xmas tomorrow! Anyways we are off to the She Bu Walkie (Yes ok bad choice in hindsight)

But we went along with GP, wasn’t too packed when we got in there..but we wanted to check out jackets in but it was full, but we could check in handbags so GP produced a Morrie’s bag and we put our coats in there and checked that in. Stupid coak room attendant…

But yeah had a few drinks and dances was ok.. I ran into a couple of people I knew so that was good, we were a bit over it..So we went home and our other roomies were getting back so we made the rest of the night at home drinking and ringing the fam’s back home…

In the Walkie with a Snakebite smile

Waiting for the Bus - Tina champing into Tuna and Corn bagle eww

Still waiting for the bus we noticed how dirty we got in the Walkie - Bus ride home we got the bus singing Wham's last Xmas hahaha

The night ended on the couch

Woke in morn, we all opened out pressies, I am STILL waiting for my pressies from mum and dad but they didn’t arrive (arrived on the 4th of Jan!! ahhh!!) was good got some good stuff off Tina, Jade, Jem and the other roomies so all good!! So we had our champagne breakfast feast…I ate WAY TOO MUCH…. And spend most of the day drinking and eating on the couch…we would have gone out but no public transport and I am not paying for a taxi hahah Then spent the next few days on the couch eating, drinking and watching sweet 80’s & 90’s movies! And I wonder why I have stacked on the weight (see picture ewww)

Us eatting our lovely breakfast

Xmas night - drinking at home..moments later Ben chucked