Anna's Blog

Love or Leave it

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Waterloo sunset...da da da da

Well once again I haven't been too exciting..working 9-5.30pm will do that to you! But I went out with Jane in London, was great fun, she had a 50% voucher so we went to this weird medieval (full of Goths and punks. I was so out of place haha) pub and there were cocktail jugs which were flavoured as the 7 deadly sins, I think we had Gluttony, Greed and Wrath and a fewl test tube shots was great fun, moved on to a fantastic club I think was called Fiddler, or Frog??? But they played really good music..QOTSA etc so I basically ripped up the dance floor and then the music cut and some band 'The Audition' (never heard of them..think US?) played, they were pretty good...But that is the highlight of my week!

AFL grand final on Saturday can't believe it has been a year since our party last year at Rach's . It's going to be hard but I don't think I am going to get up at 5am to watch it this year!!

Work still boring as f, but I am saving and have been spending my time looking up flights, am going to Paris with Mez on the 27th of October. Also going to Edinburgh for New Years..mind you I found out today that I only get off December 25, 26th and the 1st of January ahhh so I am going to have to be at work on the 2nd ahhhh...Will be hard not having a New Years with Kristy & Rach, I think we had 5 in a row or something...

But also I am reading up on Egypt, I am really looking forward to holidaying there hopefully in January (when I finish up at work..) I like to have stuff planned and then I can look forward to it and save more!!

Oh yeah have joined gym and I am extremely sore at the moment, but hopefully next time u see me I will be thin and buff, totally not going to happen but hey I can dream!

Flip everyone seems to be getting engaged at the moment...Congrats to Emma and Dazza, I like Darren got me ice cream in Tassie hahaha ummmm must go back to that place...

Finally got in contact with Jess D (is alive) turns out the number I had was missing a number and she had the wrong email address and turns out we live quiet close (both in Aussie Acton!) So we did promise at her going away party back in March(?) that we would go to a pub and sing El Scorcho, just like our uni days arrr memories..

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Well not too much happening at the moment, but my dad sent me a pic of Chops and Pepper, ahhhh I miss home....

Have been really sick the last couple of days but feel better now, have got tix to Muse, Tool, Xavier Rudd and You am I so am really looking forward to that.

Walked around Hyde Park on Sunday it was such a beautiful day, I read Dan Brown's Angels & Demons, didn't really like it that much, is it me or are all his books similar just with different locations...umm but have started to re read Anne Franks diary, weird because have been to actually house...

Work sooo boring heaps of people have resigned, one guy, I think that he had recently been fired...Can't be for fooling around because I am on messenger all day and right now our team is in a big dicussion on what was our favourite cartoon show, I am going to have to say Captain Planet or Super Ted.. but then Gummy Bears was good too and Banana Man and we have the TV on all day, unfortunately it is usually sport, but right now it's some sort of British Days of Our Lives show...oh yeah off the topic at hand. His guy was storming around the place swearing and yelling at the head honcho, pretty funny actually...people walking around going call security please, everyone was trying not to laugh..

Thursday, September 14, 2006

My Stupid videos taken in Europe! Oh yeah totally forgot I have added some 'video' if you want to call them that on youtube (thanks Julia for suggestion!) go to and in search type twiggyssocks should bring up about 11 vid, some are boring but watch the fan fest and buskers, classic!

Well I am at work at the moment and slightly bored! Mind you I have this guy behind me that is in credit control and he totally cuts sick on the phone, it is really hard not to laugh!

My boss is going on about how sloshed he is going to get tomorrow night ( drinks after work). We are planning on going to the Convent Garden's Wagamamas (yummo) for dinner and then out to a pub/club whatever the night takes us, but my boss is like well whilst you guys are eatting I am going to a pub and getting drunk till you guys finish dinner! Nice!

Have got a cold and feel like head is going to expload! But got to do some shreading before and that was exciting! ahh the life I lead!

Well not alot to look forward in the month of September, but do need to save some money!

Have got tix in the coming months for You am I (flip wolfmother sold out dang!), Muse and Xavier Rudd (Don't worry Rach and Brad will do some hippie dancing and think of u both whilst there!) so that's good!

Thinking of either going to Spain or Amsterdam in a couple of weekends, whilst everyone is at Beer fest tickets should be cheaper. But even better are return flights to New York are like £ 180, that's awesome and they like run till feb so think I may go to New York for a weekend in December and go ice skating and look at the big xmas tree! ummm well that's the plan so far but I do tend to change my mind now and then! Ummm what to do for Xmas and New Years eve ummm think will stay in London for Xmas and then Edinburgh for new years?? Too many choices, Paris, London, New York, Edinburgh arrr....

Talked to Neddy the other day he is in the middle east, I was a little worried but he said he was safe!

But I love getting photos sent from the people I met whilst holidaying, reminds me of good times and times I forgot to take my camera!! So keep them coming!

How weird is this, I met up with Tina the other day, and she told me when she was in Valenca, Spain downloading her photos onto the computer and the previous photos where still on the computer she was using!! And who was in a group shot of this photo? Me!! Small world hey!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Life in London

Well I can’t believe it! Australia has lost two of its favourite sons this week! First it was Steve ‘Croc Hunter’ Irwin and just last night Peter ‘Brockie’ Brock was killed doing what he loves best, car racing!! How sad!

But I have been working this past week at Re:sources, I am a bank reconciliation analyst, I don't do a lot actually I can't believe the work attitude here, so different to back home. For example I am at work no one from my 'team' is here yet (it's 9.38am, suppose to be here at 9am) so I can't get them to print off my work for the day, mind you everything that I do could be done in 2hrs but manage to drag it out for 7.5 hrs, weird not to mention I am way over qualified to do my job, yes I know I don't usually big up myself work related but even I can see that a high school student could do my useless job, but hey I get paid well and just play on the internet the whole time!
Thank godness my picture isn't up yet!!

My recruitment agency had a free drinks last night, I got double vodka and lime all night! May explain why no one is at work today!!

As the day progressed, more people turned up for work at 10.30am, I spent two hours chatting to Bec on messenger. I also got asked why I got dressed up for work all the time 1. People who know me, know that I don't wear makeup, jewels and hair is so unmanageable! 2.I was wearing mismatch socks, scuffed shoes, pants from target and a shirt from H&M (a slightly better version of Supre!) not to mention my general appearance is usually dodge!!

But at least I know I can wear to jeans and thongs to work now!


Also it is now late afternoon everyone is playing pool on their computers not that there is anyone here!! Most likely drinking in a pub somewhere!