Waterloo sunset...da da da da
Well once again I haven't been too exciting..working 9-5.30pm will do that to you! But I went out with Jane in London, was great fun, she had a 50% voucher so we went to this weird medieval (full of Goths and punks. I was so out of place haha) pub and there were cocktail jugs which were flavoured as the 7 deadly sins, I think we had Gluttony, Greed and Wrath and a fewl test tube shots was great fun, moved on to a fantastic club I think was called Fiddler, or Frog??? But they played really good music..QOTSA etc so I basically ripped up the dance floor and then the music cut and some band 'The Audition' (never heard of them..think US?) played, they were pretty good...But that is the highlight of my week!
AFL grand final on Saturday can't believe it has been a year since our party last year at Rach's . It's going to be hard but I don't think I am going to get up at 5am to watch it this year!!
Work still boring as f, but I am saving and have been spending my time looking up flights, am going to Paris with Mez on the 27th of October. Also going to Edinburgh for New Years..mind you I found out today that I only get off December 25, 26th and the 1st of January ahhh so I am going to have to be at work on the 2nd ahhhh...Will be hard not having a New Years with Kristy & Rach, I think we had 5 in a row or something...
But also I am reading up on Egypt, I am really looking forward to holidaying there hopefully in January (when I finish up at work..) I like to have stuff planned and then I can look forward to it and save more!!
Oh yeah have joined gym and I am extremely sore at the moment, but hopefully next time u see me I will be thin and buff, totally not going to happen but hey I can dream!
Flip everyone seems to be getting engaged at the moment...Congrats to Emma and Dazza, I like Darren got me ice cream in Tassie hahaha ummmm must go back to that place...
Finally got in contact with Jess D (is alive) turns out the number I had was missing a number and she had the wrong email address and turns out we live quiet close (both in Aussie Acton!) So we did promise at her going away party back in March(?) that we would go to a pub and sing El Scorcho, just like our uni days arrr memories..