Anna's Blog

Love or Leave it

Monday, July 23, 2007

The times are a changing


Umm haven't really been up to that much of per

well the weather is still shit...we had our first day of nice weather in Sunday that got to a top of 23c! watch out!!

But had a crazy night at Belushi's in Fulham, there was like 10 of us that went out..and we all went home separately..hahah well stupid place was haveing £1 Jager shots..I know my devil drink and Jader is that...somehow walked home....from Fulham hahah then paid for it the next day.....that was the worst hang over I have EVA experienced...ahhhh

Work has been pretty crappy too lately just can't be bothered really it's such a soul drainer....

Jade and I have been gigging which is good we made our way up to Islington, to watch Brian Johnstown Massicare..was awesome!! I wasn't that big fan but I am now! he's bit of a nut case came out dressed in a kaftan and then striped to a pair of jeans (nice!) which was good! he would get pissed off with his band and rip out there equipement was a laugh!!

Tuesday we headed up to Camden finally made it to Electric Ballroom where we saw The BRavey, they were really good as well, I reckon they are alot better live than on tape! haha but before hand we went for a drink at the Lock Taven and semi famous Sadie Frost came in unfortantely she didn't have hottie Alex Zane with her, oh well! But better still that night my beauiful little nephew was born!!!

So yeah excitment plus at home! Oh yeah stupid unreliable sister has now pulled out of New York (ahh my home alone xmas is ruined) so no surprise there!

Umm yeah was weird on the weekend I was at Temple Walkie and this chick comes up to me, where you in Munich a year ago? I was like err yes...turns out we shared a dorm at Wombats in Munich! Small world! hahaha

Umm yeah really need to get out of London soon before I start going crazy...ahhhh so heading up to Scotland for the fringe fest in a couple of weeks and then SPAIN!! woo hoo...

Friday, July 06, 2007

Where is the sun???

Well I haven't really written much lately!

I got asked to come back to my old job! So it's back on the stupid District Line and back to my crack whore of a job! But hasn't been too bad because I wanted to work up till Jade and I head to Spain!

So I have managed to avoid all the potential bombings and train derailments so I am alive and well in London still!

I still can't believe how fast the first half of the year has gone! And I have realised that it's now been a year since I heading off to Munich and did my backpacking jaunt! Wow time flys! But I remember last year the weather was fantastic, but for the past month it's been horrible, raining everyday so far!

But I feel that I really need to get out of London soon it's driving me insane at the moment! I am hoping to head down to Bath in a couple of weekends!

Also seeing as EVERYONE is heading home for Xmas, I am going to meet my sister in New York so we are planning on have a 'Home Alone' Xmas! I have found some really cheap flights for like 300 pounds return that's gold so New York here I come!!! Am actually really really looking forward to it now!!

But have been chatting to my older bro, I've only got about two weeks till my little nephew will be born and I can't wait!!! He is going to be soooo spoilt by his favourite Aunty!!!!

Still not sure when I coming home because...well firstly I was going home for Xmas because I misss our summer sooooo much..and my cats and the baby...ahhhh but the prices are ridiciously expensive..and New York that's a must do!!

But I will probably come home in Feb for a few months...I think if I can't get my visa to stay in the UK I will definately head off to Dublin which I am hoping to recruit Mez in doing so!!!

But yeah I haven't really been up too much!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Somthing or nuffin

Well the past week in my unemployment! Actually had a few things on so hasn't been too bad... I picked Eloise up from the airport on the Monday, and no joke Josh Homme and his woman and kid walked out..I was like to gobsmacked to do anything..mind you another guy next to me was doing the same thing...They had black sunglasses on inside the airport hahaha

Last night Jade and I went to Wembley Stadium to see Muse! As per usual they put on a cracking show! It took us ages to get there because the stupid tubes were down so we had to take the slow line there! So we missed most of Biffy Cyro dammit! But My Chemical Romance also supported them and they weren't too bad the sound was a little off but still put on a good show! Muse finally came on and openned with Knights of Cydonia! Ahhh was fantastic!!

It's crazy in England stays dark till 10pm! By this is My Chemical Romance, my camera has been playing up and you will notice my photos are looking a little shit at the moment
ok so the 02 Wireless festival was on and Jade and I went on Thursday, which had White Stripes, Queens of the Stoneadge and Satellite Party!!

White Stripes absolutely brilliant!!

Ahhhh Josh

I love redheads

Pixie Gladofd walked past us, sure she is like a Paris Hilton of the uk but was funny seeing her rough it with the common people!

satellite Party! They played some Jane's Addiction songs so was all good!

Sitting on the green

Hyde Park

Sitting waiting

Got a free flag!


More dribble from me!

Well this week has been rather boring have been unemployed for the past week, so have been looking for a new job but not really that hard!Have caught up with Emma and Darren on their honeymoon so that was nice to see some familair faces! Also my old Uni buddy Eloise has come over to do the holiday work thang and she is currently dossing on th couch at the moment!

Anyway here are some pics and little stories on what I've been up to for the past month

Jade and I went to Brick Lane/Petticoat markets for some food, of course I get cupcakes!

Outside Freddie Mecurey's place

Freddie Mecurey's House, he died here!

The Queen's garden in Regents Park - I managed to get Jade and I lost...

I quiet like this rose

Hiked it up to Primrose Hill for the view

Primrose Hill - The rich peoples park

Me walking the zebra crossing at Abbey Roads Studio (Yes I realise it's taken from the wrong angle..but I have the bug in the background!)

Outside the studios

See above

Sign says it all

After a another big She Bu night Lauren fell off a chair

At the Walkie with Ciara and Suzie

Lauren likes to dance on chairs (livin on a pray was playin)

Before we went to the Walkie did have a few drinks at a proper bar (Defeltors Weld) with Teneal

Suzie and I at Deflectors Weld

Lauren and Kelly at the Walkie

Lauren,Jade and I at the Walkie after the Church it was still only 5pm ahhh

Finally made it out to Kennish Town to the famous Church! It was a bank holiday weekend and it was pissing down rain and we had to get there early like 10am and that sucked because it doesn't open till noon! But they openned the doors at 11 so was all good!

Friday, June 01, 2007

Gosh I am the centre of attention!! Well the weather has picked up thank godness! Hopefully am going to see Eqqus on the weekend (play with Harry Potter naked hehe)

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sometin or Nuffin

Well have been slightly on the lazee side this last month but I am trying to think what I've done...the weather has been absolutely shit at the moment, we just had a long weekend and it rained the whole time!

Anyways the last couple of weeks have been full on with work so I haven't really been doing much! Went to Brixton (again..hahah I rule!) and saw Good Charlotto (yeah I know totally gay but whatever!!!!) they were actually quiet good live I was rather impressed!! But haven't been up too much.

I always said that next bank holiday I would go to 'The Church' which is in Kenish Town (past Camden) and it's this skank pit that opens on Sunday from 12pm till 4pm, and because I knew I would have MOnday off I thought yes I would go!! So we had to leave at like 9am because being a bank holiday it was going to be packed and hard to get in, so we got there at like 10am and thought fudge we are going to be in line in the rain for another 2 hours...but thankfull they let us in at 10.30am and we could 'buy' drink at 11am, but the thing to get around licencing is we get 'issued' raffle tickets and we can reclaim our 'prize' at the bar which are three cans of whatever! But I have to admit I had a good time and it was alot better than expected!! Anyways we decided that we would go all out and try make the She Bu (our local) Walkie before it got packed, which we did but it was rammed to the max, the air was like thick and sticky eww!! So we lasted about an hour there and decided to go to O'Neils for the remainder of the night (it was only 7pm by now!) and we get out of the Walkie and there is like a hundred people waiting to get in..Losers!! So we walk into O'Neils and have merry o'time!!

Anyways not alot else going on at the moment...I've booked two weeks in Spain with Jade which involves La Tomatina woo hoo that's something else to cross off my list!! And hopefully i'll be able to go to Italy in October??Who knows!! Might plan some weekends in England somewhere!!

Monday, May 14, 2007

New Crappy Pics

Watching OZ win the world series at the Walkie

In the Walkie

Kel & Mark in the ring

Lauren & Mark in in the ring

Jade having a drink at "it's a knock out"

I love the squirrels

Me and Loz out the front of Buckingham palace

Hyde Park Corner

One cheesey pic


The Lions

Down the street

The one weekend I am home alone the flip'n cupboard

My Street

My new place near the river

Me the old housmates, this us bird thought Ben was Chad Micheal Murray

The ladies out for Tina's going home shindig